Thoughts on HCG Spray and other HCG Supplies

Posted by Richard bacon Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nowadays there are several ways of implementing the HCG part of the Dr. Simeon’s weight loss diet. There is the HCG spray, injections, pellets and oral drops. Most HCG supplies however come as drops or sprays since injections are expensive while pellets remain unpopular. As such, one is left with these two options and hence a decision has to be made. Sprays are more expensive than the sublingual drops and some people find them slightly ineffective due to their vaporized nature.

Oral drops on the other hand have received a somewhat better reception as they are very effective. There are also sublingual drops such as those under that come supplemented with amino acids, cell salts and vitamin B12, which are all useful in maintaining body balance and minimizing the side effects of being on a diet. Incorporating such nutrients to a HCG spray is rather difficult (production-wise). These are just some of the reasons that make HCG oral drops the best HCG supplies.

1 Responses to Thoughts on HCG Spray and other HCG Supplies

  1. Ali Says:
  2. Absolutely brilliant work and thanks for sharing helpful metrical about HCG....
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