Short Oversight on HCG Shots and HCG Side Effects

Posted by Richard bacon Thursday, March 3, 2011

When Dr. Simeon’s HCG diet was created back in the fifties, only HCG shots were available then. They were expensive and of course involved some pain. These reasons are certainly what hampered the popularity of this weight loss solution. Currently though, we can still apply Dr. Simeon’s diet without the HCG shots thanks to HCG oral drops which are way cheaper, pain free, and easily and readily available as they are not prescription drugs.

Though HCG side effects are very minimal, they should actually be nonexistent as HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone that naturally occurs in our bodies. HCG side effects are therefore related to dieting but they occur because diets limit the amounts of minerals and nutrients that one obtains from a meal thus causing imbalance in the body. It is for this reason that the HCG oral drops such as those from contain supplements such as amino acids, cells salts and vitamin B12 to counter such effects.


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